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This report is designed for data analysis. Please use the Operation reports from the first section of the main page for normal research.
YearOperation NameNumberTypeOpeningDistrictCityCountyCompany NameRailroad Shipments (tons)Railroad to MineTruck Shipments (tons)Total Production (tons)Days WorkedEmployeesNotes
1938Ellis Mine5 LackawannaHarry F. Ellis3,02203,0229214New mine.
1939Ellis Mine5 LackawannaHarry F. Ellis0Truck 111,00011,00018420Coal prepared by Meadowside Coal Co, 6th District.
1940Ellis Mine5 LackawannaHarry F. Ellis0Truck 114,16814,16817917 
1941Ellis Mine5 LackawannaHarry F. Ellis5,80105,8011629 
1942Ellis Mine5 LackawannaHarry F. Ellis5,59505,59525310 
1943Ellis Mine3 LackawannaHarry F. Ellis5,94305,94329210Transferred from 5th District.
1944Ellis Mine3 LackawannaHarry F. Ellis1890189164 
1944Ellis Stripping3 LackawannaHarry F. Ellis18,802018,8021928 
1945Ellis Stripping3 LackawannaHarry F. Ellis4,73107,5942337 
1946Ellis Stripping3 LackawannaHarry Ellis Coal Co.5,59509,4839012Coal prepared at Underwood Breaker, 2nd District.
1951Ellis Bank3Dunmore 2LackawannaEllis Coal Co.3,95403,9549510Coal prepared at Meadowside Breaker.
1951Ellis Stripping3Dunmore 2LackawannaEllis Coal Co.5900590485Coal prepared at Meadowside Breaker.
1952GR&R Mine3Peckville 2LackawannaG. R. & R. Coal Co.1,3081,3082,9061418Coal prepared at Meadowside Breaker. FPA correlate to Ellis, same place in report, no note.
1953GR&R MineDrift3 LackawannaG. R. & R. Coal Co.5,1252,5628,54123814 
1954GR&R Mine3Peckville 2LackawannaG. R. & R. Coal Co.1,0681881,256619Coal prepared at Meadowside Breaker.

Note 1: Added, does not appear in the mine inspection report.

Note 2: From a list of Anthracite Operators. This may not be the operation location.