Plymouth Mining Co.
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YearOperation NameNumberTypeOpeningDistrictCityCountyCompany NameRailroad Shipments (tons)Railroad to MineTruck Shipments (tons)Total Production (tons)Days WorkedEmployeesNotes
1929 Plymouth Colliery12Plymouth 1LuzernePlymouth Mining Co.5,000D&H07,00026818 
1930 Plymouth Colliery12Plymouth 1LuzernePlymouth Mining Co.6,000D&H015,75424315 
1931 Plymouth Colliery12Plymouth 1LuzernePlymouth Mining Co.6,50007,40022515 
1932 Plymouth Stripping12Plymouth 1LuzernePlymouth Mining Co.8,42209,08022916 
1933 Plymouth Stripping12Plymouth 1LuzernePlymouth Mining Co.8,391011,35522517 
1934 Plymouth Stripping12Plymouth 1LuzernePlymouth Mining Co.7,14708,94422621 
1935 Plymouth Stripping12Plymouth 1LuzernePlymouth Mining Co.5,73008,66718023 
1936 Plymouth Stripping12Plymouth 1LuzernePlymouth Mining Co.3,18003,88518020 
1937 Plymouth Colliery12Plymouth 1LuzernePlymouth Mining Co.00016818 
1938 Plymouth Mine12Plymouth 1LuzernePlymouth Mining Co.0021,36525811Run of mine coal prepared at Nottingham.
1939 Plymouth Colliery12Plymouth 1LuzernePlymouth Mining Co.008,77015019Coal shipped run of mine to Nottingham Breaker. Prepared at Lance Breaker.
1939 Plymouth Stripping12Plymouth 1LuzernePlymouth Mining Co.0012,39815010Coal shipped run of mine to Nottingham Breaker. Prepared at Lance Breaker.
1942 Davis MineSlope 112 LuzernePlymouth Mining Co.10,168010,16823212 

Note 1: Added, does not appear in the mine inspection report.